Multiple (in-law) marriages between two families
NoHusband Dates Spouse / PartnerDates Marriage PlaceDate
Type Sibling/Cousin/Person  Spouse    
p-sJames Grant        -1885 Mary Middleton        -1915 St John the Baptist, Hillingdon, Middlesex, England1852
p-sJames Grant [2]       -1885 Mary Middleton [2]       -1915 St John the Baptist, Hillingdon, Middlesex, England1852
1Eric Leonard Clarke 1922-2009 Muriel E A Hackett 1924- Surrey North Western, Surrey, England
s-sFrank William Clarke 1928-2020 Dorothy Doreen Hackett 1926-2010 St Annes Parish Church, Bagshot, Surrey, England1949

The table records where two siblings, half-siblings or cousins have married siblings or cousins in a second family. It also records cases where one person has married two siblings or cousins.
s-s stands for sibling-sibling,
s-c for sibling-cousin,
p-s for same person-sibling,
p-c for same person-cousin,
s-h for sibling-half sibling, etc.