
 #   Report Name   Description 
1. (Potential) Living people with flag not set A list of people who might be living but not have the living flag set. This is a GDPR data protection issue. Modern birth dates will be at the top of the list.

It's a good idea to run this report after you have added some new people to the tree. It's a good way of reviewing the accuracy of the living flag. 
2. Fill in missing place levels This report is for admins only. It parses the Places data table and looks for a level of 0 (= level not set) and replaces it with a value based on the format of the address 
3. Future Dates This report looks for dates that occur in the future 
4. Living Flag is set All people who have the Living Flag set to yes 
5. Media Linked to a Person but not an Event With the exception of entries in the People category, this report should be empty because all media is normally associated with a specific event. Photos of people are the exception. They can be present just as a link on the person's record 
6. Military Events attached to a Person  
7. Occupations A report of all occupations entered against people 
8. People List of all people in descending order by ID

This one is good for reviewing recent additions regardless of the setting of the living flag 
9. Places in order of ID