# | Report Name | Description |
1. | (Potential) Living people with flag not set | A list of people who might be living but not have the living flag set. This is a GDPR data protection issue. Modern birth dates will be at the top of the list. It's a good idea to run this report after you have added some new people to the tree. It's a good way of reviewing the accuracy of the living flag. |
2. | Fill in missing place levels | This report is for admins only. It parses the Places data table and looks for a level of 0 (= level not set) and replaces it with a value based on the format of the address |
3. | Future Dates | This report looks for dates that occur in the future |
4. | Living Flag is set | All people who have the Living Flag set to yes |
5. | Media Linked to a Person but not an Event | With the exception of entries in the People category, this report should be empty because all media is normally associated with a specific event. Photos of people are the exception. They can be present just as a link on the person's record |
6. | Military Events attached to a Person | |
7. | Occupations | A report of all occupations entered against people |
8. | People | List of all people in descending order by ID This one is good for reviewing recent additions regardless of the setting of the living flag |
9. | Places in order of ID |