Barrett Publicans

Thought it might be a bit of fun to write about to see how many of our forebears were publicans.This follows on from Paul finding a Richard Barrett of the Lamb and Flag, Longworth, while sorting through censuses.  I remembered finding him and a few others so thought to do the list.Richard Barrett born 1780 our 4 x Great Grandfather. Wheelwright and Publican at the White Hart, Fyfield.John Barrett born 1811. Son of Richard above and our 3 x Great Grandfather, also Carpenter, Wheelwright and Publican at the White Hart Fyfield.Albert Barrett born 1819 brother of John. Carpenter and Licensed Victualler Blacks Head Inn at Bletchington.Richard Barrett born 1832, The first child of John and Harriet. Carpenter and Wheelwright at The Lamb and Hey House at Longworth. Then in 1871 at the Robin Hood Inn Bewley Road Oxford. In 1881 at The Globe, Oxford.Rosina Barrett born 1840, daughter of John and Harriet, took over The White Hart at Fyfield with her husband John…


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