Thought it might be a bit of fun to write about to see how many of our forebears were publicans.

This follows on from Paul finding a Richard Barrett of the Lamb and Flag, Longworth, while sorting through censuses.  I remembered finding him and a few others so thought to do the list.

Richard Barrett born 1780 our 4 x Great Grandfather. Wheelwright and Publican at the White Hart, Fyfield.

John Barrett born 1811. Son of Richard above and our 3 x Great Grandfather, also Carpenter, Wheelwright and Publican at the White Hart Fyfield.

Albert Barrett born 1819 brother of John. Carpenter and Licensed Victualler Blacks Head Inn at Bletchington.

Richard Barrett born 1832, The first child of John and Harriet. Carpenter and Wheelwright at The Lamb and Hey House at Longworth. Then in 1871 at the Robin Hood Inn Bewley Road Oxford. In 1881 at The Globe, Oxford.

Rosina Barrett born 1840, daughter of John and Harriet, took over The White Hart at Fyfield with her husband John Harris after John’s death.

Albert John Barrett born 1843 son of John and Harriet. On 1891 census, Carpenter and Innkeeper at The Dog House, North Street, Marcham.

Ellen Barrett daughter of John and Harriet. She was a Beer House Keeper at the Baker’s Arms at Great Faringdon. Then in 1901 she is a Licensed Victualler at the White Hart Hotel at Great Faringdon. She has been widowed twice by now.

Benjamin Barrett born 1863, son of Albert born 1819, Publican and Wheelwright at The Blacks Head. Bletchington.

Alice Barrett born 1873 married a George Castle who was a Licensed Victualler on 1911 census at the New Wheatsheaf West St Helen’s, Abingdon.

Albert Barrett born 1871 son of Albert John and Martha Weaving. In 1911 was a Publican at the Sun Inn Benson, Oxfordshire near Wallingford.

We thought Dad would be horrified at all this as he hated pubs but wonder if he might have accepted the late 18th and earlier 19th century ones as it was a necessary way of life when the stage coaches and horses and carts were around. Of course, from the middle to late 19th century the train gradually took over so the old wheelwright days came to an end.

Sheila Wheatley

August 2017

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Paul

    It’s only just occurred to me, while reading this article, that Wheelwright and Publican makes a useful combination. It’s always struck me as odd previously, but wagons need wheel maintenance at their stopping place and who better to do it than the inn keeper where you’re staying?

  2. Sheila

    Exactly. I think these ancestors were a big part of social history and create quite a picture in the imagination. Alan and I had lunch at the White Hart in Fyfield about 3 years ago and even now it’s not difficult to imagine the scene. How they reared 12 children there,though, seems impossible to imagine!

  3. Paul Barrett

    I hope you got an “employee’s” discount

  4. Sheila

    Ha! Ha! No such luck!

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