The Origin of the Name Ferberd
When our father Ferberd Henry Barrett (ID: I1019) began researching his family history in about 1967, one of the main reasons was to try to discover the origin of his peculiar forename which he shared with several ancestors.(If you want to view the records of the people in our family who share this unusual name, click here.)While he was able to trace the generations shown in the table, he came to an abrupt halt with Ferberd Barrett (I159) whose father was the far more prosaic John Barrett (I580), and there was no evidence of the name further back. The name also doesn't go any further forwards than me. My mother Kath Barrett (I404) would not allow me to be called Ferberd Henry so it was relegated to a second name and, as it was the source of many school fights, it hasn't gone any further down the line.We hope that this article may reach other people who are researching this strange name, or…