Ferberd Name Timeline

In order to understand when the variant forms of the Ferberd name may have appeared (and disappeared) a timeline has been created of the known people, based on Find My Past searches conducted in September 2017 by Paul, and searches of the Berkshire records by Sheila. The Timeline Explained In many cases, only a single life event was discovered for a person, usually a birth or death. To give the timeline a more realistic look we have assumed a lifespan of 70 years for these people (80 years for people living into the 20th Century.) Indeterminate birth or death dates are indicated by fuzzy bar ends. Solid ends indicate that both birth and death dates are known. Dark Blue = various forms of Ferberd as a Last Name. Dark Blue = various forms of Ferberd as a FirstName. Brown = various forms of Fairbeard as a Last Name. Orange = various forms of Fairbeard as a Last Name. Everyone above the timeline scale…


The Origin of the Name Ferberd

When our father Ferberd Henry Barrett (ID: I1019) began researching his family history in about 1967, one of the main reasons was to try to discover the origin of his peculiar forename which he shared with several ancestors.(If you want to view the records of the people in our family who share this unusual name, click here.)While he was able to trace the generations shown in the table, he came to an abrupt halt with Ferberd Barrett (I159) whose father was the far more prosaic John Barrett (I580), and there was no evidence of the name further back.  The name also doesn't go any further forwards than me.  My mother Kath Barrett (I404) would not allow me to be called Ferberd Henry so it was relegated to a second name and, as it was the source of many school fights, it hasn't gone any further down the line.We hope that this article may reach other people who are researching this strange name, or…


Henry Barrett b 1854 and Elizabeth Alder b 1850, and Henry’s Ancestors

IntroductionThis is a summary of the research carried out by Sheila Wheatley with input from Paul Barrett into the history of Henry (aka Harry) Barrett b 1854 and Elizabeth Alder b 1850.  Henry and Elizabeth were married 7 Nov 1874.  We want to document Henry's ancestors to see if we share a common ancestor, and we would also like to reach out to other researchers of the Barretts and Alders of Berkshire / Oxfordshire, England for help resolving some issues.Elizabeth is not a direct ancestor of Sheila, Paul and their sister Christine - she is a cousin of Ferberd Barrett who is our 2 x great grandfather.  Neither is Henry, who merely shares our family name.   Henry Barrett is the husband of Elizabeth Alder, who is the cousin of Ferberd Barrett, who is the 2 x great grandfather of [Sheila, Paul and Chris.]So why did we decide to research this obscure branch of our tree?How this line of research beganBarrett is a very…


Clara Richings b. Abt 1857- Married or Not?

Clara Richings was born in About 1857 in Longworth, Berkshire (now Oxfordshire), England.  Her parents were Alfred Richings and Millicent Legg and she was one of eleven children.Our ProblemAccording to all the research that we have carried so far, Clara never married.She appears on the 1871 and 1881 England Censuses as a single woman.  Then, on the 1911 Census something strange happens. - her status changes, to Widow.   There she is, on the second row. written in a different hand and with a very different pen.  It's almost as if the older woman, the Head of the Household, completed her details and then gave it to the younger woman with a weary word, "Go on my dear, you complete the rest of it, my eyes aren't up to it in this light."  And, as if to confirm that idea, the address is completed by Clara (we suppose) although the signature appears to be Mary Marsh's.So what happened?  Did Clara simply make a mistake…


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