People Named Ferberd Who Emigrated

Our investigations into the source and usage of the name Ferberd, which is usually a given name but sometimes a family name, have uncovered a few that emigrated from EnglandThis article describes them.Ferberd Harold Ashford b 1907/8 d 1957This Ferberd is one of ours - he belongs to the Barrett family.  His immediate family looks like this:Ferberd Harold Ashford        © He is the son of William Ashford b Abt 1885 and Bertha Barrett b 1884. Bertha's father is a Ferberd - the first in the family to have the name - his parents having "borrowed" it from the local doctor,  Dr Ferberd Sessions-Barrett (no relation).  Bertha has a brother called Ferberd and her brother, Harry, names one of his sons Ferberd Henry. The family seems to be somewhat obsessed with the name.Ferberd Harold (FH)'s birth details are unsubstantiated. Sheila Wheatley reports that,A chance contact through an ancestry website, Carol, who had been searching for Bertha’s brother, Harry informed me Bertha was her grandmother and…


Henry Barrett b 1854 and Elizabeth Alder b 1850, and Henry’s Ancestors

IntroductionThis is a summary of the research carried out by Sheila Wheatley with input from Paul Barrett into the history of Henry (aka Harry) Barrett b 1854 and Elizabeth Alder b 1850.  Henry and Elizabeth were married 7 Nov 1874.  We want to document Henry's ancestors to see if we share a common ancestor, and we would also like to reach out to other researchers of the Barretts and Alders of Berkshire / Oxfordshire, England for help resolving some issues.Elizabeth is not a direct ancestor of Sheila, Paul and their sister Christine - she is a cousin of Ferberd Barrett who is our 2 x great grandfather.  Neither is Henry, who merely shares our family name.   Henry Barrett is the husband of Elizabeth Alder, who is the cousin of Ferberd Barrett, who is the 2 x great grandfather of [Sheila, Paul and Chris.]So why did we decide to research this obscure branch of our tree?How this line of research beganBarrett is a very…


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