Barrett – Of Norman Descent?
Introduction The interest in the subject of this study is born out of the family history research coupled with some family myths. Most people in the UK could probably claim to be of Norman descent and it may be difficult to prove and to be honest, people today are a mixture of Scandinavian (Anglo- Saxon) and Norman and the little or non -existence of the necessary records may be a barrier in this study. However, I don’t necessarily wish to “claim” Norman ancestry but I have to confess that curiosity has got the better of me and I should like to explore the possibilities of where our family came from, even though I may be hearing the cry of the wild goose. Of Norman Descent? Fact or Fiction? To claim an ancestor came with William the Conqueror should not be viewed with a romantic notion. The Conqueror and his men were warmongers, plunderers and so savagely brutal that one cannot feel a sense…